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Troop 505 Youth Leadership

Troop 505 is a boy-run Troop using the Patrol Method. Leadership is one of the methods of Scouting. Every boy will have an opportunity to participate in both shared and total leadership.

The meetings are planned and carried out by the Patrol Leaders’ Council or “Green Bar.” All duties for patrol activities are assigned by the Patrol Leader. Understanding the concepts of leadership helps each boy accept the leadership of others and helps him to grow into a more responsible adult.

Descriptions of Leadership Positions

Patrol Leaders’ Council (Green Bar): A Patrol Leaders’ Council or “Green Bar” meeting is held when called by the Senior Patrol Leader. If your son’s rank patch has green bars on it, then your son should attend the Green Bar Meeting. The Senior Patrol Leader leads all Troop meetings. Green Bar plans the Troop activities and provides leadership skills to the Patrol Leaders and Troop Staff. These meetings are informal and uniforms are not required. 

Senior Patrol Leader (SPL): The senior patrol leader is the elected top boy leader in the Troop. He leads the patrol leaders' council (Greenbar) and, in consultation with the Scoutmaster, appoints other junior leaders and assigns specific responsibilities as needed. 

Assistant Senior Patrol Leader (ASPL)*: The assistant senior patrol leader fills in for the SPL in his absence. He is also responsible for training and giving direction to the quartermaster, scribe, historian, librarian and instructors.

Patrol Leader (PL): The patrol leaders are responsible for giving leadership to the members of their patrols. They are their representation on the patrol leaders' council. 

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Junior Assistant Scoutmaster: Joshua Petrick

Senior Patrol Leader (SPL): Emilio Pimentel

Patrol Leaders (PL): Henry Mason, Joseph Verret, Solomon Yadebabay and Theodore Hogan

Assistant Patrol Leaders (APL): Alexander Perry, Collin Jarrell, Enrique Ortiz and Finn Weiland

Troop Bugler: Collin Jarrell

Troop Chaplain’s Aid: Solomon Yadebabay

Troop Historian: Malcolm Mericli

Troop Instructor: Emilio Natareno

Troop Librarian: Alexander Perry

Troop Quartermaster (QM): Henry Hogan and Jack Fuller

Troop Scribe: Adrian Mascarenhas

Troop Webmaster: Aarav Doshi

Other Positions

  • Troop Guide**: Assists in guiding new patrols through the First Class Rank 

  • Den Chief**: Provides assistance to den leaders at the Cub Scout level 

  • OA Representative**: Serve as a communication link between

    the troop and the local Order of the Arrow lodge

* appointed by SPL 

** appointed by Scoutmaster

(At times, not all positions might be filled.)

Troop 505 Youth Leadership Application