
If you have photos or other memorabilia from the 1970's, please contact the Troop leaders.


Scouts 1980s.jpg

Gary S. Calnan Eagle Patrol Plaque Dedication

Mr. J. H. Mueller, surrounded by Troop 505 Eagles in attendance, displays the Gary S. Calnan Eagle Patrol plaque to the assembled troop. Mr. Mueller named the patrol after U. S. Navy Commander Gary Stephen Calnan, Annapolis 1967, the first deceased Eagle Scout in the troop's history, who died in 1982 at age 37 of leukemia.

The Gary S. Calnan Eagle Patrol plaque was dedicated in December 1989. Present were Bruce Clay, Bill Beirne, ???, Myron Steves, Jock Mueller, Neil Calnan, Al Clay, Joel Mueller, and Fred Steves.

Note from the webmaster: This is the only photo we have from the 1980s.

If you have photos, other memorabilia, or memories you wish to share, please contact the Troop leaders. We would love to include that history here.