Contact Us

Committee Chairman: Rob Ascher

Scoutmaster: Alex Montoya


Interested in Joining?

We welcome boys ages 11 (10 if they have earned the Arrow of Light Award or have completed the 5th grade) through 17 to join at any time.


  1. Troop meetings: Monday nights at 7:00 – 8:30 pm in the St. Vincent de Paul cafeteria. Announcements are at the end of every Troop meeting. Parents are encouraged to come in for a few minutes before the end of the meetings, join the campfire circle, and hear the announcements from the Boy Scouts and adult leaders. 

  2. Troop Committee meetings (adult leaders): First Wednesday of the month

  3. Green Bar Meetings (Scout Leaders): monthly

  4. Courts of Honor: 3 times per year.

Registration Fees 

  1. Scouts: $110 per year per Scout and includes Boy’s Life subscription, Sam Houston Area Council fees, BSA insurance premium, and award fees. ($60 for half year)

  2. Adults: $50 per year per adult and includes Sam Houston Area Council fees. This fee is covered by the troop.

  3. Other expenses:

    • Uniform: Approximately $80

    • Campouts: $30 per campout for food and sites

To join, please contact Committee Chairman, Rob Ascher, at to request proper paperwork. (Online registration coming soon.)